
It’s my good friend Stephen’s 27th birthday today. Yay! Happy Birthday, dude!

So, I’m not big on baking. Mostly because I’m terrible at it. I will eat the face off a baked good, don’t get me wrong – but measuring, chilling, mixing…meh. I am more of the reckless type of cook. You won’t see a lot of baking posts on this blog, that’s all I’m saying.

Fun fact: Stephen doesn’t eat fruits or vegetables. Sorry to throw you under the bus, brah, but it is pertinent. So this weekend I am all like, “What should I do? What should I make for my friend!?” And then I realized. Cookies. Chocolate Chip Cookies. From Heaven.

So that is what I made. And then I ate three. And after I finish four hours of Excel training tomorrow morning I plan to eat no less than seven. That is ten, ten cookies for those of you who are counting.

And for those of you who are counting – scram. I don’t need yo’ judgement!

Anyway, it smells really good in our house right now.

P.S. - Go buy one of these. Best $8 I've ever spent.


I wish my friend the happiest of birthdays. This cookie (that I am eating right now…) is for you. Well not this cookie. Back off, man.




One thought on “Cookies!

  1. This was as good as pictured, if not better. Good luck eating 7, given that I’ve already consumed 48 of them. Slightly inconsiderate not to get me a forklift with dozens of these amazing suckers. Once again, AWESOME.

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